After several mishaps and delays due to various reasons we are ready. Battle of Kyushu Read manual
Unfortunately, it is possible that there are still bugs, but we can assume to be small.
- new mission generator engine with up to 32 players plus random AI
- moving naval battles, moving carrier takeoffs, sea landings, moving battle tanks, and bombings around the world of IL2 sturmovik
- new game system with four damage level stages per sector
- new scoring system based on goal attainment
We launched this tournament with the best intentions and with the precise purpose of ensuring maximum fun to all players.
Cheaters will be banned after proof of evidence. Obviously war is war, accidents and mishaps can always happen, but unfair behaviour, verbal offences and disrespect of any kind for any other player will not be tolerated.
Keep your own political views and nationalisms out of IL-2 WAR tournament, and honor your opponent whoever he is.
For the aforementioned reasons, all hosts-players are kindly invited to save both the track and the eventlog of the missions they host and to mail them, if necessary, to the following e-mail address:
IL-2 WAR Team welcomes all and wishes all Squadrons good luck and great fun!
IL2 Sturmovik 1946 mods Hangar
Battle of Mediterranean (many theatre: Italy-Africa-Greece-Balcan)
Bellum package is obsolete, but if interest to make a planning battle contact
You can now take part in planning a whole new battle !
If you have a minimum experience and want to participate, start with downloading and studying the original "bellum war" package, in order to understand how it works.
You'll soon be able to create any battle by yourself or with the help of your buddies/squadron.
IL2WAR Team will give you your password-protected server space where to install your own battles ! Send an e-mail to contact: